Monday, June 29, 2020

Tane and the nine stars

I found it easy to think about my story that was based on matariki.

I found it hard to work because everyone was chatting around me.

Next time i will add more details and action.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Matariki Report

I found it easy to research because on our team Toroa site there is already heaps of Infomation.

 I found it hard to work because people where whispering next to me.\

We were learning about matariki,and the nine stars

Next time i will give 100% Instead of 50%

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Matariki Art and Infomation

We were learning about matariki

I found it easy to write my text

I found it challenging to work because there was alot of chattering

Next time i will try and find more suttible infomation that is at my stand

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Avatar Animal v.s Element

I found it easy to select my element because of these three word png! and also the help of my buddy

I found it hard to see want type of animal my buddy and i would agree on.

We were learning about getting help and emailing teachers when help is needed.

Next time i should try communicate more with my buddy because my buddy needed lots of help.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Quality Comments.

I found it easy to order the background and the three Qualitys.

we were learning the 4 steps to success criteria.

i found it challenging trying to move the three Quality signs out of the way.

Next time i think i should add more attracting things.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

All about me

we are learning about public vs private
the easiest part was to transfer it from google drawings to here
the hard part was trying to find the things i like becuase i pretty much like everything
next time i need to try and add more infomation that is on the rank for public

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

All about me

My name is Houston 

I like gaming an playing with my friends and hanging out with my family I also enjoy long walks in the park. During lockdown I learnt how to make loads of yummy desserts.i like helping dad with anything that is in my rank I have one dog named Daisy and two sisters Hayven an favorite subjects are reading an maths .