Thursday, April 4, 2019


Juicy fruit Mmmm..! i smelt a spray of juicey h2o i took a sneaky lick before i was aloud to even bite.1,2,3!! Crunch! Munch! Slurrp!! I opened my mouth even wider than before. The most best kind of juice i say. Suddenly i take a humongus bite.crrrrrrkkkkk!! The bite was like a crocodile crunch!!.Mmmmm!! Divine,awfully I was unimpressed of the black SEEDS i got really Angre and spit them out bla! bla! bla! The long big Seed! Was on the floor yuck.That thing gives me goosebumps. Seconds i said with a load of dribbling juice rolling down my!! My neck my freezing while the juice keep Rolling down my t-shirt my t shirt began to sweat. Somehow a the fruit looked like a Pikel?? I asked myslef. Did you know there are spaure watermelon In japan for 200 dollars